iTS - Intelligent Traffic System  V 1.0.5
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TSTrafficAI Class Reference

TS traffic A. This class is repsonsible for controlling the AI cars on the race More...

Inheritance diagram for TSTrafficAI:


struct  TSBrakeSpeeds

Public Member Functions

int GetCurrentWaypoint ()
 Gets the current waypoint. More...
string GetCarName ()
 Gets the name of the car. More...
float GetLookahead_factor ()
 Gets the lookahead_factor. More...
void SetLookahead_factor (float Lookahead_factor)
 Sets the lookahead_factor. More...
delegate void OnUpdateAIDelegate (float steering, float brake, float throttle, bool isUpSideDown)
delegate void GetCarSpeedDelegate (out float carSpeed)
delegate void OnTurnRigthDelegate (bool isTurning)
delegate void OnTurnLeftDelegate (bool isTurning)
delegate void OnCloserRangeDelegate ()
delegate void OnFarRangeDelegate ()
float GetLookahead ()
 Gets the lookahead. More...
void Enable (bool flag)
 Enable or disables the car components. More...

Public Attributes

float maxLockaheadDistance = 0f
 The max lockahead distance. More...
float maxLockaheadDistanceFullStop = 0f
 The max lockahead distance for full stop. More...
float LOOKAHEAD_FACTOR = 0.33f
 The LOOKAHEA d_ FACTOR. Anticipation for turning on curves More...
Transform[] frontWheels
 The front wheels. Add only the front wheels here. More...
float LOOKAHEAD_CONST = 2.0f
Rigidbody[] bodies
 The bodies. More...
float carDepth = 0.0f
 The car depth. More...
float carWidth = 0.0f
 The width of the car. More...
float carHeight = 0.0f
 The height of the car. More...
TSLaneInfo.VehicleType myVehicleType = TSLaneInfo.VehicleType.Light
 The type of the my vehicle. More...
List< TSBrakeSpeedsbrakeSpeeds = new List<TSBrakeSpeeds>()
 The brake speeds. For internal use only. More...
TSPoints currenPoint = new TSPoints ()
 The curren point. For internal use only. More...
TSLaneConnector currentConnector = null
 The current connector. For internal use only. More...
TSLaneConnector nextConnectorInstance = null
 The next connector. For internal use only. More...
int previousWaypointCurve = 0
 The previous waypoint curve. More...
float segDistance = 0f
 The segment distance. This is for internal use only. More...
int nextPathIndex = 0
 The index of the next path. This is for internal use only. More...
int lane = 0
 The lane. This is for internal use only. More...
float changeLaneTime = 0f
 The change lane time. This is for internal use only. More...
BoxCollider playerSensor
 The player sensor. More...
float playerSensorWidthMultiplier = 1.05f
 The player sensor width multiplier. More...
float minPlayerSensorLenght = 5f
 The minimum player sensor lenght. More...
float lengthMargin = 5f
 The lenght margin. This would be the distance to keep from the next car or pedestrian. More...
float myLaneOffsetMin = 0f
 My lane offset minimum. The minimum offset that this vehicle could have, this is good to give some variation to the Vehicles position on the lane, so they don't look like they all follow exactly the same line. More...
float myLaneOffsetMax = 0f
 My lane offset maximum. The maximum offset that this vehicle could have, this is good to give some variation to the Vehicles position on the lane, so they don't look like they all follow exactly the same line. More...
string playerTag = "Player"
 The player tag. This would be used to compare against any object that enters the player sensor trigger to check if the car needs to react to it. More...
float MAXSPEED = float.MaxValue
 The MAXSPEED. More...
OnFarRangeDelegate OnFarRange
 The on far range callback. This is called if the car is in the far range. More...
OnCloserRangeDelegate OnCloserRange
 The on closer range callback. This is called if the car is on the closer range. More...
OnTurnRigthDelegate OnTurnRight
 The on turn right callback. More...
OnTurnLeftDelegate OnTurnLeft
 The on turn left callback. More...
GetCarSpeedDelegate UpdateCarSpeed
 The update car speed callback. More...
OnUpdateAIDelegate OnUpdateAI
 The on update AI callback. More...


TSNavigation NavigateToWaypoints [get]
float LookAheadDistance [get]
 Gets the look ahead distance. More...
Transform WheelsCenter [get]
 Gets the wheels center. More...
float carSpeed [get]
 Gets the car speed. More...
bool IsUpSideDown [get, set]
 Gets a value indicating whether this instance is up side down. More...
bool ForcedRespawn [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this TSTrafficAI forced respawn. More...

Detailed Description

TS traffic A. This class is repsonsible for controlling the AI cars on the race

Member Function Documentation

void TSTrafficAI.Enable ( bool  flag)

Enable or disables the car components.

flagIf set to true flag.
string TSTrafficAI.GetCarName ( )

Gets the name of the car.

The car name.
int TSTrafficAI.GetCurrentWaypoint ( )

Gets the current waypoint.

The current waypoint.
float TSTrafficAI.GetLookahead ( )

Gets the lookahead.

The lookahead.
float TSTrafficAI.GetLookahead_factor ( )

Gets the lookahead_factor.

The lookahead_factor.
void TSTrafficAI.SetLookahead_factor ( float  Lookahead_factor)

Sets the lookahead_factor.


Member Data Documentation

Rigidbody [] TSTrafficAI.bodies

The bodies.

List<TSBrakeSpeeds> TSTrafficAI.brakeSpeeds = new List<TSBrakeSpeeds>()

The brake speeds. For internal use only.

float TSTrafficAI.carDepth = 0.0f

The car depth.

float TSTrafficAI.carHeight = 0.0f

The height of the car.

float TSTrafficAI.carWidth = 0.0f

The width of the car.

float TSTrafficAI.changeLaneTime = 0f

The change lane time. This is for internal use only.

TSPoints TSTrafficAI.currenPoint = new TSPoints ()

The curren point. For internal use only.

TSLaneConnector TSTrafficAI.currentConnector = null

The current connector. For internal use only.

Transform [] TSTrafficAI.frontWheels

The front wheels. Add only the front wheels here.

int TSTrafficAI.lane = 0

The lane. This is for internal use only.

float TSTrafficAI.lengthMargin = 5f

The lenght margin. This would be the distance to keep from the next car or pedestrian.

float TSTrafficAI.LOOKAHEAD_CONST = 2.0f


float TSTrafficAI.LOOKAHEAD_FACTOR = 0.33f

The LOOKAHEA d_ FACTOR. Anticipation for turning on curves

float TSTrafficAI.maxLockaheadDistance = 0f

The max lockahead distance.

float TSTrafficAI.maxLockaheadDistanceFullStop = 0f

The max lockahead distance for full stop.

float TSTrafficAI.MAXSPEED = float.MaxValue


float TSTrafficAI.minPlayerSensorLenght = 5f

The minimum player sensor lenght.

float TSTrafficAI.myLaneOffsetMax = 0f

My lane offset maximum. The maximum offset that this vehicle could have, this is good to give some variation to the Vehicles position on the lane, so they don't look like they all follow exactly the same line.

float TSTrafficAI.myLaneOffsetMin = 0f

My lane offset minimum. The minimum offset that this vehicle could have, this is good to give some variation to the Vehicles position on the lane, so they don't look like they all follow exactly the same line.

TSLaneInfo.VehicleType TSTrafficAI.myVehicleType = TSLaneInfo.VehicleType.Light

The type of the my vehicle.

TSLaneConnector TSTrafficAI.nextConnectorInstance = null

The next connector. For internal use only.

int TSTrafficAI.nextPathIndex = 0

The index of the next path. This is for internal use only.

OnCloserRangeDelegate TSTrafficAI.OnCloserRange

The on closer range callback. This is called if the car is on the closer range.

OnFarRangeDelegate TSTrafficAI.OnFarRange

The on far range callback. This is called if the car is in the far range.

OnTurnLeftDelegate TSTrafficAI.OnTurnLeft

The on turn left callback.

OnTurnRigthDelegate TSTrafficAI.OnTurnRight

The on turn right callback.

OnUpdateAIDelegate TSTrafficAI.OnUpdateAI

The on update AI callback.

BoxCollider TSTrafficAI.playerSensor

The player sensor.

float TSTrafficAI.playerSensorWidthMultiplier = 1.05f

The player sensor width multiplier.

string TSTrafficAI.playerTag = "Player"

The player tag. This would be used to compare against any object that enters the player sensor trigger to check if the car needs to react to it.

int TSTrafficAI.previousWaypointCurve = 0

The previous waypoint curve.

float TSTrafficAI.segDistance = 0f

The segment distance. This is for internal use only.

GetCarSpeedDelegate TSTrafficAI.UpdateCarSpeed

The update car speed callback.

Property Documentation

float TSTrafficAI.carSpeed

Gets the car speed.

The car speed.

bool TSTrafficAI.ForcedRespawn

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this TSTrafficAI forced respawn.

true if forced respawn; otherwise, false.

bool TSTrafficAI.IsUpSideDown

Gets a value indicating whether this instance is up side down.

true if this instance is up side down; otherwise, false.

float TSTrafficAI.LookAheadDistance

Gets the look ahead distance.

The look ahead distance.

Transform TSTrafficAI.WheelsCenter

Gets the wheels center.

The wheels center.