iTS - Intelligent Traffic System  V 1.0.5
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TSNavigation Class Reference

TS navigation. This clas is responsible for navigating throught the lanes and selecting the next connector/lane the car would go by. More...

Inheritance diagram for TSNavigation:


struct  TSNextLaneSelection
 TS Next lane selection. This class hold the pointers to the next connector or lane. More...
struct  TSReservedPoints
 TS Reserved points. This struct holds the references to the connectors and points that have been reserved by this car. More...

Public Member Functions

bool SwitchTrack ()
 Switchs the track. More...
void GetLaneMaxSpeed ()
bool ReserveNearConnectorPoints (ref TSLaneConnector connector, int lane)
 Reserves the near connector points. More...
bool ReserveNearConnectorPoints (ref TSPoints points, ref TSLaneConnector connector)
 Reserves the near connector points. More...
void UnReserveNearConnectorPoints (TSLaneConnector connector)
void UnReserveNearConnectorPoints (TSPoints points)
void LaneChange (bool left)
 Change to another lane. More...
void OverTaking (bool left)
 Overtakes if there is free lanes. More...
void TurnOffTurningLights ()
void UnreserveAll (bool all)
void AddNextTrackToPath ()

Public Attributes

int currentWaypoint = 0
 The max waiting time. This value would be compared with the amount of time a car is waiting on a junction to cross it, this is to avoid or at least try to prevent traffic jams. More...
int currentWaypointOnCar = 0
 The current waypoint on car. More...
Vector3 RelativeWaypointPosition =
 The relative waypoint position. More...
Vector3 RelativeWaypointPositionOnCar =
 The relative waypoint position on car. More...
int previousWaypointSteer = 0
 The previous waypoint steer. More...
int currentLane = 0
 The current lane. More...
TSNextLaneSelection nextTrack = new TSNextLaneSelection()
 The next track. More...
List< TSNextLaneSelectionnextTrackPath = new List<TSNextLaneSelection>()
 The next track path. This list hold the next lanes/connectors this car would be traveling to. More...
float currentMaxSpeed = 50f
 The current max speed. More...
TSPoints[] waypoints
 The waypoints. This array holds the current lane points reference. More...
TSPoints[] lastWaypoints
 The last waypoints. This array holds the last lane points reference. More...
TSLaneInfo[] lanes
 The lanes. Reference to all the lanes. More...
bool travelingOnConector = false
 The traveling on conector. Is the car traveling on a connector?. More...
bool wasTravelingOnConnector = false
 The was traveling on connector. Was this car traveling on a connector? More...
int selectedConnector = 0
 The selected connector. More...
TSLaneConnector lastSelectedConnector
 The last selected connector. More...
int lastLane = 0
 The last lane. More...
int myID
 My ID. This is a reference to the instance ID. More...
float relativeWPosMagnitude = 0
 The relative W position magnitude. More...
bool changingLane = false
 The changing lane. More...
bool overTaking = false
 The over taking. More...
Queue< TSReservedPointsreservedPoints = new Queue<TSReservedPoints>()
 The reserved points. A Queue of all the points that have been reserved by this car. More...
int nextTrackIndex = 0
 The index of the next track. More...
Queue< TSReservedPointsreservedChangeLanePoints = new Queue<TSReservedPoints>()
 The reserved change lane points. More...
Queue< TSLaneConnectorreservedConnectors = new Queue<TSLaneConnector>()
 The reserved connectors. More...
bool starting = true
 The starting. This is for internal use. More...

Detailed Description

TS navigation. This clas is responsible for navigating throught the lanes and selecting the next connector/lane the car would go by.

Member Function Documentation

void TSNavigation.LaneChange ( bool  left)

Change to another lane.

leftIf set to true left.
void TSNavigation.OverTaking ( bool  left)

Overtakes if there is free lanes.

leftIf set to true left.
bool TSNavigation.ReserveNearConnectorPoints ( ref TSLaneConnector  connector,
int  lane 

Reserves the near connector points.

true, if near connector points was reserved, false otherwise.
bool TSNavigation.ReserveNearConnectorPoints ( ref TSPoints  points,
ref TSLaneConnector  connector 

Reserves the near connector points.

true, if near connector points was reserved, false otherwise.
bool TSNavigation.SwitchTrack ( )

Switchs the track.

true, if track was switched, false otherwise.

Member Data Documentation

bool TSNavigation.changingLane = false

The changing lane.

int TSNavigation.currentLane = 0

The current lane.

float TSNavigation.currentMaxSpeed = 50f

The current max speed.

int TSNavigation.currentWaypoint = 0

The max waiting time. This value would be compared with the amount of time a car is waiting on a junction to cross it, this is to avoid or at least try to prevent traffic jams.

The current waypoint this car is pointing at, and using for steering.

int TSNavigation.currentWaypointOnCar = 0

The current waypoint on car.

TSLaneInfo [] TSNavigation.lanes

The lanes. Reference to all the lanes.

int TSNavigation.lastLane = 0

The last lane.

TSLaneConnector TSNavigation.lastSelectedConnector

The last selected connector.

TSPoints [] TSNavigation.lastWaypoints

The last waypoints. This array holds the last lane points reference.

int TSNavigation.myID

My ID. This is a reference to the instance ID.

TSNextLaneSelection TSNavigation.nextTrack = new TSNextLaneSelection()

The next track.

int TSNavigation.nextTrackIndex = 0

The index of the next track.

List<TSNextLaneSelection> TSNavigation.nextTrackPath = new List<TSNextLaneSelection>()

The next track path. This list hold the next lanes/connectors this car would be traveling to.

bool TSNavigation.overTaking = false

The over taking.

int TSNavigation.previousWaypointSteer = 0

The previous waypoint steer.

Vector3 TSNavigation.RelativeWaypointPosition =

The relative waypoint position.

Vector3 TSNavigation.RelativeWaypointPositionOnCar =

The relative waypoint position on car.

float TSNavigation.relativeWPosMagnitude = 0

The relative W position magnitude.

Queue<TSReservedPoints> TSNavigation.reservedChangeLanePoints = new Queue<TSReservedPoints>()

The reserved change lane points.

Queue<TSLaneConnector> TSNavigation.reservedConnectors = new Queue<TSLaneConnector>()

The reserved connectors.

Queue<TSReservedPoints> TSNavigation.reservedPoints = new Queue<TSReservedPoints>()

The reserved points. A Queue of all the points that have been reserved by this car.

int TSNavigation.selectedConnector = 0

The selected connector.

bool TSNavigation.starting = true

The starting. This is for internal use.

bool TSNavigation.travelingOnConector = false

The traveling on conector. Is the car traveling on a connector?.

bool TSNavigation.wasTravelingOnConnector = false

The was traveling on connector. Was this car traveling on a connector?

TSPoints [] TSNavigation.waypoints

The waypoints. This array holds the current lane points reference.