iTS - Intelligent Traffic System  V 1.0.5
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TSSimpleCar Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for TSSimpleCar:

Public Member Functions

void BrakeLight (float brakeInput)
 Updates the Brake the lights state. More...
void OnAIUpdate (float steering, float brake, float throttle, bool isUpSideDown)
 Raises the AI update event. More...
void UpdateCarSpeed (out float carSpeed)
 Updates the car speed. More...
void ActivatecrashedSmoke ()
 Activates the crashed smoke. More...

Public Attributes

WheelCollider[] FrontWheels = new WheelCollider[0]
 The front wheels. This is used for the normal wheelcollider car physics, here goes all the wheels that could be steer More...
WheelCollider[] BackWheels = new WheelCollider[0]
 The back wheels. This is used for the normal wheelcollider car physics, here goes all the wheels that would be powered by the engine More...
WheelCollider[] aditionalBrakeWheels = new WheelCollider[0]
 The aditional brake wheels. Put here any other wheels on this car that would only be used for braking, like i.e. the wheels of a trailer. More...
bool playerControlled = false
 The player controlled. More...
bool engineAudioEnabled = true
float[] GearRatio = {3.5f,2.5f,2f,1.5f,1f}
 The gear ratios. More...
int CurrentGear
 The current gear. More...
float EngineTorque = 600.0f
 The engine torque. The actual torque the engine would transfer to the powered wheels. More...
float MaxEngineRPM = 3000.0f
 The max engine RPM. More...
float MinEngineRPM = 1000.0f
 The minimum engine RPM. More...
float maxAcceleration = 5f
 The max acceleration. This would limit the cars acceleration, lower values makes the car accelerate slower. More...
float brakeTorque = 400
 The brake torque. More...
Renderer[] brakeLigths
 The brake ligths. More...
float brakeIntensityRate = 0.2f
 The brake intensity rate. Used only if enableDisableBrakeLights is set to false, otherwise the brake lights renderers are just enabled and disabled. More...
bool enableDisableBrakeLights = false
 The enable disable brake lights. More...
Shader brakeLightsShader
 The brake lights shader. More...
string propertyName = "_Intensity"
 The name of the property. This is the property name of the brake lights of the car, that would be used to set the intensity of the shader according to the brake input. More...
bool superSimplePhysics = false
 The super simple physics. More...
float turnSpeed = 3f
 The turn speed. More...
float carGrip = 70f
 The car grip. More...
float maxSpeed = 50f
 The max speed. More...
float maxSpeedToTurn = 0.2f
 The max speed to turn. More...
bool upSideDown = false
 Up side down. More...
bool crashed = false
 The crashed. Enable this by script to avoid this car to continue trying to move if the collision was big enough to totally damage the car. More...
ParticleSystem[] crashedSmokes
 The crashed smokes. Additional and optional particles effects to add to the cars, and that would be activated if the crashed bool is set to true. More...
GameObject turnRightLight
 The turn right light. This is for placing the game object that represents the right turning light; More...
GameObject turnLeftLight
 The turn left light. This is for placing the game object that represents the left turning light; More...
Transform CoM
 The center of mass. More...

Member Function Documentation

void TSSimpleCar.ActivatecrashedSmoke ( )

Activates the crashed smoke.

void TSSimpleCar.BrakeLight ( float  brakeInput)

Updates the Brake the lights state.

brakeInputBrake input.
void TSSimpleCar.OnAIUpdate ( float  steering,
float  brake,
float  throttle,
bool  isUpSideDown 

Raises the AI update event.

void TSSimpleCar.UpdateCarSpeed ( out float  carSpeed)

Updates the car speed.

carSpeedCar speed.

Member Data Documentation

WheelCollider [] TSSimpleCar.aditionalBrakeWheels = new WheelCollider[0]

The aditional brake wheels. Put here any other wheels on this car that would only be used for braking, like i.e. the wheels of a trailer.

WheelCollider [] TSSimpleCar.BackWheels = new WheelCollider[0]

The back wheels. This is used for the normal wheelcollider car physics, here goes all the wheels that would be powered by the engine

float TSSimpleCar.brakeIntensityRate = 0.2f

The brake intensity rate. Used only if enableDisableBrakeLights is set to false, otherwise the brake lights renderers are just enabled and disabled.

Shader TSSimpleCar.brakeLightsShader

The brake lights shader.

Renderer [] TSSimpleCar.brakeLigths

The brake ligths.

float TSSimpleCar.brakeTorque = 400

The brake torque.

float TSSimpleCar.carGrip = 70f

The car grip.

Transform TSSimpleCar.CoM

The center of mass.

bool TSSimpleCar.crashed = false

The crashed. Enable this by script to avoid this car to continue trying to move if the collision was big enough to totally damage the car.

ParticleSystem [] TSSimpleCar.crashedSmokes

The crashed smokes. Additional and optional particles effects to add to the cars, and that would be activated if the crashed bool is set to true.

int TSSimpleCar.CurrentGear

The current gear.

bool TSSimpleCar.enableDisableBrakeLights = false

The enable disable brake lights.

float TSSimpleCar.EngineTorque = 600.0f

The engine torque. The actual torque the engine would transfer to the powered wheels.

WheelCollider [] TSSimpleCar.FrontWheels = new WheelCollider[0]

The front wheels. This is used for the normal wheelcollider car physics, here goes all the wheels that could be steer

float [] TSSimpleCar.GearRatio = {3.5f,2.5f,2f,1.5f,1f}

The gear ratios.

float TSSimpleCar.maxAcceleration = 5f

The max acceleration. This would limit the cars acceleration, lower values makes the car accelerate slower.

float TSSimpleCar.MaxEngineRPM = 3000.0f

The max engine RPM.

float TSSimpleCar.maxSpeed = 50f

The max speed.

float TSSimpleCar.maxSpeedToTurn = 0.2f

The max speed to turn.

float TSSimpleCar.MinEngineRPM = 1000.0f

The minimum engine RPM.

bool TSSimpleCar.playerControlled = false

The player controlled.

string TSSimpleCar.propertyName = "_Intensity"

The name of the property. This is the property name of the brake lights of the car, that would be used to set the intensity of the shader according to the brake input.

bool TSSimpleCar.superSimplePhysics = false

The super simple physics.

GameObject TSSimpleCar.turnLeftLight

The turn left light. This is for placing the game object that represents the left turning light;

GameObject TSSimpleCar.turnRightLight

The turn right light. This is for placing the game object that represents the right turning light;

float TSSimpleCar.turnSpeed = 3f

The turn speed.

bool TSSimpleCar.upSideDown = false

Up side down.