iTS - Intelligent Traffic System  V 1.0.5
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TSMainManager Class Reference

TS main manager. This class is responsible for holding all the info for the roads More...

Inheritance diagram for TSMainManager:


class  VehicleTypePresets

Public Attributes

TSLaneInfo[] lanes
 The lanes. Variable that contains all the lanes informaction. More...
int menuSelection = 0
 The menu selection. More...
int laneMenuSelection = 0
 The lane menu selection. More...
int connectionsMenuSelection = 0
 The connections menu selection. More...
int settingsMenuSelection = 0
 The settings menu selection. More...
float visualLinesWidth = 5f
 The width of the visual lines that represents the lanes and connectors on the scene view. More...
float resolution = 4
 The resolution of the lanes. More...
float resolutionConnectors = 2.3f
 The resolution of the connectors. More...
float laneCurveSpeedMultiplier = 0.7f
 The lane curve speed multiplier. More...
float connectorsCurveSpeedMultiplier = 0.7f
 The connectors curve speed multiplier. More...
TSLaneInfo.VehicleType defaultVehicleType = (TSLaneInfo.VehicleType) (-1)
 The default type of vehicle. This would be used as the default vehicle type when new lanes are created. More...
bool junctionsProcessed = false
 The junctions processed. This is to know if the junctions have been processed for this TSMainManager instance More...
List< VehicleTypePresetsvehicleTypePresets = new List<VehicleTypePresets>()
 The vehicle type presets. This are a list of presets that can be used for quicker access to combinations of vehicle types. More...

Detailed Description

TS main manager. This class is responsible for holding all the info for the roads

Member Data Documentation

int TSMainManager.connectionsMenuSelection = 0

The connections menu selection.

float TSMainManager.connectorsCurveSpeedMultiplier = 0.7f

The connectors curve speed multiplier.

TSLaneInfo.VehicleType TSMainManager.defaultVehicleType = (TSLaneInfo.VehicleType) (-1)

The default type of vehicle. This would be used as the default vehicle type when new lanes are created.

bool TSMainManager.junctionsProcessed = false

The junctions processed. This is to know if the junctions have been processed for this TSMainManager instance

float TSMainManager.laneCurveSpeedMultiplier = 0.7f

The lane curve speed multiplier.

int TSMainManager.laneMenuSelection = 0

The lane menu selection.

TSLaneInfo [] TSMainManager.lanes

The lanes. Variable that contains all the lanes informaction.

int TSMainManager.menuSelection = 0

The menu selection.

float TSMainManager.resolution = 4

The resolution of the lanes.

float TSMainManager.resolutionConnectors = 2.3f

The resolution of the connectors.

int TSMainManager.settingsMenuSelection = 0

The settings menu selection.

List<VehicleTypePresets> TSMainManager.vehicleTypePresets = new List<VehicleTypePresets>()

The vehicle type presets. This are a list of presets that can be used for quicker access to combinations of vehicle types.

float TSMainManager.visualLinesWidth = 5f

The width of the visual lines that represents the lanes and connectors on the scene view.